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Our Services

The list below highlights some of the key areas where I can add value to your business. This list is not exhaustive; if you have another challenge that needs solving, I am all ears.

Chances are, I can help.

What We


Strategic Planning and Growth Consulting

Problem: Many businesses lack clear strategic direction, making it challenging to identify growth opportunities and achieve financial goals.

Impact: Without a comprehensive strategy, businesses may struggle with inefficient operations, missed opportunities, and stagnation.

Our Solution: I help businesses develop comprehensive strategic plans that include market analysis, competitive positioning, and long-term goal setting to ensure they are on the path to success.



Organisational Development and Management

Problem: Inefficient processes, misaligned organisational culture, and structural issues hinder organisational effectiveness.

Impact: These challenges can lead to decreased productivity, low employee morale, and a lack of alignment with strategic goals.

Our Solution: I work with businesses to improve organisational effectiveness through process innovation, cultural change initiatives, restructuring, and the development of mission, vision, and values.




Executive Coaching and Leadership Development

Problem: Lack of strong leadership and inadequate team cohesion can impede organisational growth and success.

Impact: These issues can lead to poor decision-making, low team performance, and difficulty in achieving strategic goals.

Our Solution: I support businesses by providing coaching and development programs for executives, teams, and leaders to enhance their skills and effectiveness, driving growth and managing change. 


Commercial Strategy to Drive Revenue Growth

Problem: Businesses often struggle with ineffective sales and marketing strategies, poorly optimised pricing models, and limited market reach.

Impact: These issues can lead to missed revenue opportunities, reduced profitability, and hindered growth.

Our Solution: I assist businesses in optimising sales processes, implementing innovative pricing strategies, and developing comprehensive market expansion plans tailored to their needs.




Innovation and Change Management

Problem: Businesses often struggle with resistance to change and a lack of innovative approaches in their operations, products, or services.

Impact: This can result in missed opportunities for growth, stagnation, and decreased competitiveness.

Our Solution: I help businesses embrace a culture of continuous innovation and effectively manage change. This includes fostering new ideas, improving products and services, and implementing innovative solutions across the organization. My approach ensures smooth transitions, stakeholder

buy-in, and sustained competitive advantage.


Financial Planning and Capital Raising

Problem: Insufficient capital and ineffective financial planning are common barriers to business growth.

Impact: Without adequate funding and effective financial management, businesses may struggle to invest in growth opportunities and maintain financial stability.

Our Solution: I help businesses develop plans to secure funding and instil effective financial processes. This includes creating detailed budgets and forecasts, optimising cash flow, and guiding capital raising strategies to ensure businesses are financially prepared for growth.


let ascensus help you Grow Your business

I value your time and ours. That's why I offer a free 45-minute no-obligation call

to discuss your challenges and explore how I can help you overcome them.

If I can't help, I will be the first to say so, so we can both move on.

Take advantage of a free introductory call to discuss things further.


What have you got to lose?

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